Uneltele specializate pentru garduri vii groase, arbuști și arbori înalți

O femeie ținând în mână un tăietor de copaci

Foarfeca Starcut

Tăiați la înălțimi în siguranță de la sol

Un bărbat folosind o mașină de tăiat ramuri Gardena

Foarfecă telescopică combisystem

Urmăriți cele mai importante fapte despre Foarfeca telescopică combisystem


Garden inspiration

Cutting headges with the GARDENA AssistCut

Tăierea potrivită pentru o recoltă bună

Even in the case of young trees between the ages of 6 and 8, winter pruning encourages growth and is crucial to the subsequent shape of the tree. Find out more about the right months to cut trees.
apple tree

Recoltarea merelor si perelor

Pears are a important source of vitamins and nutrients, and thanks to their sweet taste they are loved by both young and old alike. Late summer is the peak season for both of these pip fruits, which are currently hanging from the trees in their masses, just waiting to be picked. To enjoy juicy and tasty fruits for as long as possible, it is crucial to harvest them at the right time and store them in the right way.