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virginia creeper

Beautify your wall with Virginia creeper

Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus tricuspidata) is a popular climbing plant. Thanks to its anchoring feet it quickly climbs up house walls and greens it without any growth support. Virginia creeper bears dark green leaves throughout the year. In autumn Virginia creeper decorates walls with fire-red leaves. Thanks to its big leaves it keeps houses cool at hot summer days. But where does Virginia creeper come from? How do you plant it and what should you consider before and while planting?
Trandafiri de pat

Tăierea trandafirilor

Tăierea este de bază pentru o plantă puternică și vibrantă, cu înflorire luxuriantă. Generează boboci noi iar trandafirul poate respinge bolile mult mai bine. Dacă trandafirii nu sunt tăiați în mod regulat, înflorirea devine mai slabă și trandafirul nu va mai înflori.

Banishing pigeons from your balcony – what is OK and what isn't

Pigeons tend to bring frustration rather than joy when they are on your balcony. For one simple reason: Whether they are briefly perching or stay a while, one thing they like to do when having a rest is relieve themselves. Read on to find out how to banish the birds without harming them.